Business philosophy, what is management?

Management can be taught by others, but management is not taught by others, that is, management depends on your own experience to master; what is management? Management is a response to “change”, if you can predict future changes Can change the future, will not wait to die.

  1. The situation and environment faced by the operators is vague and uncertain: the operator operates the enterprise in a situation where he is not fully aware, that is, the operator makes decisions under the concept of “bounded rationality”. Therefore, a manager must develop a set of “business philosophy” for the company’s industrial environment and products to operate. That is, if everything can be foreseen and determined, then no problems will arise, that is, no management is required.
  2. Values: It is to state what kind of behavior the managers want to take, how they want to operate, and what kind of organizational structure they want to build; it is the root of the organizational culture and the driving force of the company’s competitive advantage. It includes the “views and attitudes” expressed by members of the organization towards the organization’s stakeholders, customers, employees, and suppliers.
  3. The business philosophy is the most important “value benchmark in the organization; the business philosophy represents the strategic concept of an enterprise in the external environment it is in. It is a specific idea for the enterprise under certain time and space conditions; it includes:. The assumption about the “organizational environment” of the enterprise, the assumption of the “special mission”, and the assumption of the “core competence” necessary to achieve the organization’s mission.
  4. The significance of the business philosophy: The
    idea is the assumption that is accepted by people. The way people perceive the world is a basic structure for thinking. People use this structure to understand and explain facts. Ideas are based on people’s way of understanding reality, as the basis for people’s cognition, thinking, evaluation, and action.
  5. Therefore, the idea is a set of explicit or unspecified rules, which defines people’s thinking and behavior; it is the basis for judgment and decision-making in management. This determines the way people run and manage the company.
  6. However, people’s thinking and behavior are rigid and accustomed to the old boundaries; therefore, they tend to resist the unknowable future and the uncertainty brought about by change. Therefore, managers should think about how to make adjustments and changes in their cognitive mentality to challenge the future competitive model.

2 Business policy of the company

  1. An enterprise must have accumulated operating know-how over the years and the ability to perceive the industry’s trends in order to be able to judge important trends in the future.
  2. The company’s business policy is to combine the characteristics of the external environment of the industry, the characteristics of the company’s resources, and the characteristics of the products, and put forward the company’s business philosophy to determine the direction and policy of the company’s operation.
  3. Vision is an ardent expectation for the future, while norms and values ​​reflect the reality. Whether the two are consistent or not is related to whether the “vision” can be realized, and is the reference basis for diagnosing the company’s culture. For example, identifying key strategic challenges _ the key tasks required to execute the strategy _ the norms and values ​​that contribute to the completion of the key tasks _ diagnose the norms specific to the current culture _ identify the gap between the required norms and the existing norms _ decide to reduce these gaps Actions to be taken.
  4. Company mission and strategy: The mission statement contains the description of the company’s overall vision, the statement of the values ​​that the manager promises to follow, and the goals set by the manager to achieve the mission; the choice of goals must analyze market competition and trends, as well as the company’s advantages. Order.
    Mission content: including the targeted customer groups and customer needs, and the required technologies and strategies: it is the specific type of decisions and actions taken by managers to achieve organizational goals and performance.
    Strategy execution: refers to the design of an appropriate organizational structure and control system, so that the strategy selected by the organization can be put into action; that is, the formulation of the strategy must consider the organization’s ability to execute, and if there are deficiencies, a training channel must be established; but First of all, we must determine what the shortcomings are, and plan a long- and short-term learning and training course, or seek outside support and cooperation.

What is participation management?

  1. “One imperative management: the biggest *trap is that it really works (for a short period of time).”
  2. What is management? How to practice? What is the essence of management? What is the meaning of practice? What does management do? Why management is needed? Is management just the only task of managers?
    1. The basic work of management is to design, create and maintain a working environment so that individuals in the group can work together to achieve predetermined tasks and goals and predetermined performance.
    2. Management is basically a practice is a practice, a way of doing things through “management tools” to implement results, it is to maintain the current and future competitive advantages of the enterprise.
    3. Management is also a “problem-solving process”, predicting “what problems the company will face now and in the future”, and thinking about “problem-solving solutions.”
  3. Management is a kind of'”the ability to predict the future”, so the operator’s “vision & foresight” is a company’s future direction, which is a very important key factor in operating performance; but how to “have the correct vision” is the biggest operator First of all, we must guard against being trapped in a state of “self-enclosure”. Different ways of thinking are the best tips and tricks for getting out of trouble.
  4. Management is regarded as a scientific and systematic knowledge system; its basic job is to design and maintain a working environment so that individuals in the group can work together to achieve predetermined tasks and goals. That is, managers must make everyone do their best to contribute to the goals of the group, whose functions are planning, organization, appointment, leadership, and control.
  5. The essence of management “does not lie in management techniques and procedures, but in “makes knowledge work”; “management methods, TQC Reengineering, etc. are to tell people “how to do”. But today “what should be done” and “what must be known?” “But it is a serious problem that the management has to face; that is, the future direction is the key to the company’s future survival. “Yesterday was a star, but today is a crisis.” Because the times have changed, the organization has always depended on the basis for survival. Assume that the deduced business theory is no longer in line with the facts and has divorced from the facts.
  6. How and when does “operator __in addition to caring” do it? “It should be more important to know “what to do and why”?
    1. Concerned about “accounting profit figures”, we should be more concerned about “business crises caused by changes in the external environment.”
    2. We should pay attention to “innovation”, and instead of acting in accordance with the law, we should cultivate an innovative organizational environment for the company.
  7. Management tools: If you do not delve into the skills and tools, you may only learn some of the essentials of the skills and tools without knowing it. Moreover, because everyone’s experience has its limitations, the generalized concept is not necessarily correct.
  8. How can we “get ahead”? Detect and predict changes in the industrial structure? The function of management is to cultivate the ability to understand and predict future conditions. This is a major challenge for operators and a precursor to whether they can lead the industry’s future “competitive advantage.”
  9. The main function of management: to make decisions, and to make decisions, you must have “professional scientific and technological knowledge” and the ability to predict future technological development trends; and operators must also have extensive knowledge and experience outside of the bank to train themselves The industry has a special feeling that transcends numbers and facts.
  10. Management is an educational process ___ Learn how to grow. Personal growth is the foundation of the company’s growth. Because management does not live in the past, and cannot believe that yesterday’s answers can solve the problems of today and the future. But management is “managing the future,” working hard for tomorrow’s (future) problems, so we must continue to learn and make progress in order to have the ability to deal with the future.
  11. The future belongs to those who are prepared, but how to learn and have a learning attitude? Future competition is not just for a product or service, but for the entire organization system. Therefore, the entire organization must be reshaped.

What should the proprietor do?

  1. There are no great strategies, only great organizations, so high-tech is full of unpredictability, even unknowable, and strategic miscalculations are everywhere. Only an organization that can quickly improve learning can be sustainable.
  2. Operators create an environment and hire personnel, and engage in education and training. To become a good operator, you must be a generalist; first, you must “know how good is good”, compare with the first and learn from the strengths of others, to motivate us to “want to be the best.” This allows everyone to truly understand “What is the best? They can do better. That is, every aspect of the company’s business must be compared with the best in the world.”
  3. What is our business? What is the value of customer perception? Which innovations will change customer needs and values?
  4. Technology is the main way of doing things and the method of achieving results. It is usually a reflection of theory.
  5. What kind of changes will the advancement of technology bring to future product trends? What kind of changes will the market potential and structure have.
  6. Companies should attach importance to the “continuity of management”: mainly the continuity of the researchers’ experience inheritance.
  7. Leadership advantage: establish a competitive advantage based on “technology”. The difference in the ability of companies to develop science and technology is rooted in how companies manage their R&D, engineering and manufacturing. Discuss: How the company effectively manages “technology” and uses its technology to build advantages.
  8. If a child fails to have enough experience at a certain stage. Then he will be at a disadvantage in other stages. There is a rule for development, and any stage requires considerable experience in order to open the door to another stage. The same is true for the growth of a company. If you are always worried about being afraid of failure and dare not to boldly try in all aspects, you will not be able to accumulate experience and knowledge in all aspects. Therefore, the chances that your “decision-making” judgments and choices will lose their correctness greatly increase.
  9. The improvement of productivity is the most important thing, but how can it be regarded as “productivity improvement” and “the definition of productivity”.
  10. Competition in management: Is competition to compare wages? Management is the productivity of knowledge work, so think: Does the abolition of employees mean cost reduction? Thinking about why you abolished? Is the staff insufficient? Is it a manpower surplus? Is the employee’s salary causing the cost too high? Did the abolition solve these problems?
  11. The office is the most dangerous place to observe the world. Opportunities are difficult to grasp: because they don’t seem like great opportunities, and they are fleeting. Details are the key_Don’t ignore the details, otherwise you will not be able to grasp the key points, and thus will not be able to achieve big business.
  12. Toshiba Chairman Shi Guangminfu: Subordinates cannot use it privately.
  13. Toyota: Selflessness can make great achievements.

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